22 August 2022

Best Possible Self

Personal (skills, hobbies, personality, health, accomplishments)

Be loud in the house of myself. Be okay being alone. Actually revel in it. Know myself and stand firmly in myself, regardless of what other people say or think. Have cool athletic hobbies and be good at them. Run 50 marathons in 50 states before I die. Quit smoking. Work out more. Don't lose cooking/baking skills. Be strong, physically and mentally. No more panic attacks. Be able to dig myself out when I'm feeling depressed. Be better with plants. Be okay with babies. Freeze eggs this year. Don't ruin teeth. Don't ruin knees. Don't go into anaphylaxis. Don't catch an STI. Drink a lot of water. Don't break out. Learn to dance a formal kind of dance. Educate myself on race. Get better at languages. Keep writing. Keep reading. Travel more. See more of the US. Be patient. Have a clean comfortable safe home. Sleep enough. Be positive. Be happy. Don't cheat or lie. Don't abuse people. Be able to admit when you're wrong and stand by your guns when you're right.

Professional (job, sense of purpose, education, skills, retirement, income)

Pass boards. Keep teaching. Stay involved in diversity initiatives. Support Q Clinic. Make enough money that I can do all the things I want to do. Make enough money that I don't have to work where/when I don't want to. Love what I do. Financially plan to have kids, even if I don't. Be able to travel by working a job that allows me time and money to do so comfortably. Publish. Become an expert at something, even if it's small or local. Work with and for people I like. Feel confident in my abilities. Represent myself and my gender well. Read and negotiate contracts like a man. Take a job where I can be myself. Have loyal clients. Stay in touch with mentors. Have a full professional life without it interfering with my personal or social life (not all eggs in one basket). Be okay not being the best. Mentor people. Climb to the top and have grace for every step of the way. Be patient. Don't let work get me down. Surround myself with people who support my work but who will be honest about it. Don't make less than what I made in publishing. FIRE. Be able to afford a clean comfortable safe home. Be able to take sick days without stressing and be off on long weekends. Don't work night shift.

Social (romantic relationship, friends, family, social activities)

Find a life partner, someone I can be myself around, whom I am attracted to, cherish, and respect. Someone who will encourage me to try new things without putting me down. Someone my family will like and respect. Someone who is honest with me, and with whom I can be honest. Someone with a compatible sex drive. See grandmother before she dies. Don't lose touch with my sister. Be honest with my parents without devastating them. Be a good friend and have good friends. Find people who match my energy. Have a wide and deep group of friends. People I can travel with, chill with. People I won't become bored of. People I don't want to leave behind. People I can be open and honest with. Friends who add, not subtract from my life. Long friendships. Have near daily social engagements when I'm not social at work. Book clubs. Satiated sex drive. Trip. Find fellow readers, runners. Friends who are active but will bring you along for the ride. Lifelong teachers/mentors. Recognize people who are no good for you and run away. Learn from past traumas but don't let them cloud your mind.

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