10 February 2013

this is basically a tribute to dicksforgirls

(graphic photos of penis up ahead)

there is something about this color... 

 maybe i will get a feather or bird tattoo next

 I didn't think this was hot till I saw his pants. The fit, umph.

this was my favorite part of arrested development. the build-up is fantastic because all these scenes (minus the last two) happen in DIFFERENT episodes. all the while, you're like....wtf, these are supposed to be chicken reactions? AND THEN HE SEES THEM ALL AND SAYS EXACTLY WHAT'S BEEN ON YOUR MIND FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON


what a sir. 

ignore everything else in this photo. just focus on those hand veins. 

collar bones. also that facial expression. i love that facial expression. 

 "whatcha thinkin'?"

hand and THIGH veins, wut. 

the gif version of this is unnecessary. but yeah, blonds. 

this is how i imagine ethan/alex exists. all the time. 

oh my belt. i love belts. 

i hesitated on this one. but god, look at that tongue. 

if i can see the bulge in your jeans, we're in good shape. 

i want to be in this photo. there is so much possibility. 

a cold look. but those sardonic eyebrows over those glasses. of course he's not smiling. 

YES, that lift in those jeans.  

all the right creases and indentations. 

so much abandon. also ass indentations.  

aaaand eyes. ON. 

the papery-thin quality of this skin. 

MICHAEL FASSBENDER, yes, a thousand times yes

 my nook.